Frequently Asked Questions

What is अर्थस्वातंत्र्य (AS-44)?

अर्थस्वातंत्र्य (ArthSwatantrya) literally means financial freedom in Marathi or Hindi. Since Kiran achieved it at the age of 44, the site name is thus AS-44.

This is without diluting any of your family responsibilities / commitments on the financial front or even making compromises to the current lifestyle. The family and their stipulated aspirations will be taken care of, whether you earn any further money or not.

This is totally absurd. My current salary is not sufficient and how can you live without salary?

Yes, it sounds crazy, but Kiran has still achieved it. It requires serious planning and execution and you too can do it. Guaranteed. You can simply follow the methodology developed by Kiran based on his own experiences and learning and you will be on your way to earn अर्थस्वातंत्र्य

My salary is too low for this

Kiran has guided people who earn 10000 per month till 5 lacs per month. You need to do something that you haven’t been doing so far, to get something that you haven’t got so far. But if YOU want to do it, you can do it with the guidance from अर्थस्वातंत्र्य

What exactly is involved in this?

There you are! अर्थस्वातंत्र्य is the complete sphere of your financial life. It’s not the advice you would receive from bank officers, insurance advisors or Mutual funds distributors. It’s a serious matter and hence your planning and commitment to stick to the plan, both are very important.

I’m sure, you would have taken a whole lot of policies, MF or some other products because someone told you and now you don’t even have time to review the same.

Investing without a plan is as dangerous as crossing the road with your eyes closed.

How do I get started on this?

Kiran conducts a 3 hr session for understanding this concept in detail and answer all of your queries. You just need to arrange for 8-10 people (4-5 couples) who are interested in learning this. Kiran doesn’t charge anything for this session. Travel and food arrangements are expected by the host. It can be arranged at anyone’s home having 40″ HDMI TV or a projector, so that its visible to all participants.

Due to Lockdown, physical sessions are not conducted. Online series of 3 one-hour sessions can be planned on similar request basis. If you are interested and can confirm 10-15 participants, Kiran can conduct the session online, as well.

Meanwhile, You can visit the page “What is AS-44?” to understand the methodology. Download level 1 template from the site. You can call me once you have downloaded the template to guide you further.

Are there any charges?

Sure there are. But not that you can’t afford them. I’d like to keep it as affordable as possible, so that more and more people can start their journey and attain the dream life they always wanted.

There are years of experience, knowledge and wisdom incorporated in the methodology factoring in costly mistakes that I did, so that you won’t do the same mistakes again. Considering this, the charges are peanuts. Check the What is AS-44 Page for complete details

How long do I take to achieve my अर्थस्वातंत्र्य ?

It depends on several factors including your spending and saving pattern, your responsibilities, your future aspirations and so on. So, there is not a single answer to this.

But one thing is sure from this assessment is that you will come to know where you are and where you have to reach. Also, if you do not make changes to your spending habits, you may be headed for a disaster.

Read my 3-part blog series “Do we know when to stop sowing seeds and start eating the fruits? (Part 1 – Where are we heading?) “